There doesent seem to be a thread for introductions from new players so ive started this one.
USER NAME: 1980-20.. LOCATION: North west of England HEARD ABOUT STELLAR FORCE ON: forum. I HAVE: Played X com. I HAVENT: Played laser squad.
That's given me an idea - how about a players "profile" page, where players can add a bit about themselves? This can also have a "timezone" on it.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
I've finally got round to adding this now!
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
Still missing the timezone though. ;)
Posted by CornMaster 14 years ago [Login to reply]
True, but location should cover it. Since this game isn't realtime, I didn't think the actual timezone was that important (but I'm open to persuasion).
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
Not to be picky...but some people won't want to post their true location...or a location within a near geographic area. Although for those people...a timezone might also be too specific. ;)
But on another note, some people may not know what the timezone is for the location posted. How many people know where Newfoundland is on a global scale? I suppose you can always suggest posting the timezone in the location field...but just my two cents. I'll also get back to our game now. :)
Posted by CornMaster 14 years ago [Login to reply]
Well, I'm not usually one for introductions, but hello! I stumbled onto this site today from the Freegamer blog ( and though I shamefully have never played Laser Squad, I liked the look of this game (being a fan of turn-based strategy) and so here I am.
I'll be honest, I've yet to actually PLAY a game of Stellar Forces, but I do like what I've seen so far and I'm eager to give this a go. :)
Posted by Steely Gaze 14 years ago [Login to reply]
Hi, and welcome to Stellar Forces! If you have any problems or questions when playing a game, just post it here. And as you may be able to tell, the game is constantly being added to, so if you have any good ideas, by all means pass them on.
Good luck!
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
Thanks. :)
The only thing I wondered about are etiquette rules. I mean, is it considered rude to join any game I find in the game lobby without knowing the creator? Or is there some kind of protocol a newbie like myself should follow? Little things like that.
The last thing I'd want to do is inadvertently upset anyone by having them play with a newbie who offers little challenge as he learns the ropes.
Posted by Steely Gaze 14 years ago [Login to reply]
You've pointed something out that I wouldn't have noticed myself. For the record, feel free to join any game that's available. I've changed the text so that other new players know they can join any game; there are no protocols or etiquette in that respect. I'll probably add something to the wiki about this as well.
Also, one thing I have just added is that games can be marked as "practise", so newbie's can play games without affecting their chances in the league.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
Just subbed; looking forward in trying this out for a few months.
You say a few months, but I'm sure you'll be here for years! :)
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
Hi, all! Great site! Laser Squad is my favourite strategic game. And it's great to play with other players. I'm 1st time here. So if you want easy win, you are welcome to play with me :) Hope, I will learn gameplay soon. PS. English isn't my native language.
Hi Sebi. Somehow I missed this thread and never introduced myself. Too late now through, I do enough gibbering already. :)
You picked a good game for your 1st in Stellar Forces. I have an awful track record at defending the Moonbase! I would normally wish you luck, but on this occasion I wont be. :)
I see that you won last games, so 3rd winning in row is possible :) I didn't understand what happened in our 1st collision. In "opportunity fire" is fire automatic? For example, if I fave opportunity fire can I choose between auto, snap or aimed? If no, what fire will be? In 1st collision I was going to shoot and when I press "fire" it was explosion of your grenade. Why did I have choice of fire? I even took aim.
Beside your current APs, you'll see a number in (). If that character's APs are greater than or equal to that number, that character can take opportunity fire on its turn. I'm not sure about the rest of what you're saying, though.
Opportunity Fire is automatic in that you cannot chose what type of shot you take. I think it is something like the accuracy of an auto shot and the cost of a snap shot. Something like that. As for the explosion which killed you, my guy who you killed had a primed Death grenade. I'm not sure when exactly they trigger because I don't think I've ever had anyone use one against me, but the idea is they explose when the carrier is killed. I'm sure someone else will be able to give you more accurate details than I can.
Thank you. It's clear for me. I didn't know about Death grenade. There is a little difference between original spectrum game (e.g. equipment). I like it, it's more interesting.
Hi Sebi, and welcome to the game! Deadlime is pretty much right, but just to clarify things, opp fire is the same cost and accuracy as a snapshot. As for Death Grenades, they go off as soon as the unit holding them is killed. They're not as powerful as normal grenades though.
Good luck!
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
I see. Thank you very much for programming this game! Good job!
Thanks a lot! And if you have any comments or suggestions let me know and if they're good I usually add them to the game.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
Ok :) I can propose you in "A Tale of Two Bases" make walls are not destroyable. It will change strategy of game. And I think it will be more interesting. Now game can finish in 2-3 turns. And if the walls will be not destroyable, it will be more turns. You can add this option as additional mission.
Damn it now how am i going to get my easy wins.I was also going to mention this as two of my last three wins were done using the rocket launcher to take out the front wall and then deploying a sniper to take out the computer. I was going to sugest havig the computer in a seperate room.