Hi SF fans. I'm looking to add "unit skills" to the game. For example, a medic will be able to heal other units; an engineer will be able to repair computers. Before I start work, has anyone got any suggestions for any other skills that could be added?
That's a good idea, I'll add that one too. Nice simple skills will work best rather than turning a unit into a superhero. :) There should be a release later this week with this new feature.
I remember the original Laser Squad you could hide grenades in flowerpots. Used to play against my brother and he never knew you could do that. Loved it when he would say, 'shit! another flowerpot just exploded and killed my man.' I would try my best not to laugh. :D
I like the idea of a Sapper/Combat Engineer unit for selected missions with unique skill and tools/weapons. Maybe laying small explosive booby traps which kill/damage enemy units when walked on/nearby. Setting Semtex timed explosives which can be hidden. Or setting off bombs remotely in the current turn. Other skills could include building or dismantling structures. Small scale barriers/baricades using sandbags or barbed wire to temporarily defend a corridor etc. Probably too complicated to create and not suited to every mission but I like the idea of this unit whose main role is to support combat strategy and only fights when freed from the tasks or when needed.
I've just released a new version of SF with Medic and Stealth unit skills. They are displayed in the HUD if a unit has them. It might take a few hours for it to filter through Google Play. Let me know how you get on!
I just had my first turn with the new units. Pretty cool so far. I like the medic as I hardly ever use medi packs. I've given the stealth unit a job to do already. Paasque watch out!
That would interesting too. I always like your Impregantor mission with the ability to reproduce and the egg laying mission, Alien Colony I think? I would love to play more reproducing alien missions. I also sometimes wished an alien unit could kill another or self explode to destroy walls. Maybe the Queen could spit acid short range, say 7 squares?
I got a question about the medic, Steve. I healed an injured unit and the health increased a bit but next turn was back in the red. The medic had full AP available to heal. There was a message saying the unity was full healed but he was still beat up with low hp's despite repeated attempts to heal the unit.
@Petermock, looks like you've found a small bug. It doesn't immediately save the healed unit's stats after healing. If the unit does anything else after being healed, like move or turn, there won't be a problem, but if the turn ends before they do anything, their health is returned to what it was. I'll do an update soon.
I was thinking perhaps a sniper who has an increased percentage on accuracy fire either with all weapons or maybe just the sniper rifle and/or Las-rifle.
The two things I noticed when first playing was the lack of a burst fire option although after playing for a while didn't see it as being necessary however; a shotgun which was available in the original Laser Squad. That would be a nice addition with high power but limited range.
Maybe a Tank class that generally has above average health (maybe 2 or 3 pistol shots more than usual) if there was a shottie so they can rush the enemy.
@Xeno, I think currently most units are pretty much always accurate with the sniper rifle, so I don't think it would add much. A weapon with a wide shot range might be a good idea though.
@Meathir, a bit like the sniper skill, a tank class is pretty much already catered for with super-heavy armour and a few medikits.
I like the shotgun idea. Though Paasque is right about the flamethrower being too feeble. I would like both a shotgun short range weapon and an improved beefed up truly destructive flamethrower. Maybe the shotgun could shoot doors to pieces after several shots?