Hello, have there been changes to how smoke behave, normally you could peek out, but not into a square with smoke on. that made it the perfect cover for sneak attacks.
Was your unit still in smoke after you found it dead? Smoke dissappears in places after each turn, So i've had units shot at inbetween my turns as after my turn, the smoke has disspeared from my hiding spot and so is visible to my opponent on their turn.
So like what FoN is saying I have noticed that nerve gas and smoke can disappear and come back after a turn. So on your opponent's turn the view could be clear and then obscured on your turn. But you say opp fire got you and that suggests you were in a dense smoke cloud on your turn feeling safe and then triggered opp fire. That is indeed a different set of circumstances. I have experienced one off bugs. An enemy shooting and killing my unit through several walls on Colonisation 2. An impossible shot!
Btw - i also tested out the smoke, incendiary, smoke combo in a practice mission. And the smoke totally wipes out the fire, as does it nerve gas. Thought we were fixing that?
It's going well, but there's a small problem with the app in which the screen is stretched and thus partly covered by the system menu strip, so I just need to work out how to remove that. I'm on hol this week tho', so it will be sometime next week.
I've just uploaded an update to Stellar Forces. It might take a few hours to filter through, but now the smoke should work as expected, and this version is also "full screen". Woah! Let me know of any problems.
Hi Steve, After the update I have just tested the smoke, nerve and incendiary grenades and it looks great. I think it is working according to Paasque's law! I tested each grenade type in turn on each other and also a simultaneous altogether detonation. Thanks for sorting it out.