Hi, i have recently rented a Slackware GNU/Linux VPS in Germany just for hosting an "old" Quake 4 Multiplayer Demo dedicated server, version 1.4.2, that i occasionally use to play a game with an old friend. Specs are 3ghz CPU 1gb RAM 25gb HDD. The server is idling 24/7, if any of you is interested in using it the client is easy to find, win32 about 250mb .exe, it runs flawlessly in my Asus EEEPC with Linux and Wine version 1.8.6, so no accelerated 3D card is needed nor a powerful machine. Quake 4 is very useful as a backup comms server, as it provides VOIP walkie-talkie push-to-talk style and of course text chat, could be easily used as a means of communications between players in Stellar Forces "quik" games. Also as the virtual box is up 24/7 connected to the internet with a good bandwith i humbly offer Steve, if He is interested, in setting up an Stellar Forces failover server, as a retired Linux sysadmin i've got lot of time in my hands and i recall having read in the SF forums something about the game going Open Source. As long as the Quake 4 server is not shut down i would be willing to surrender the root password of the server to Steve so he could set up security to ensure nobody is accessing the database inmorally for cheating. This is just an idea as i plan to keep on paying the 11 monthly euros for the VPS as long as i live, that could be about 20 more years or so. Of course if any Stellar Forces player currently holding the Honorary Laser Squad Trophy wants/needs a shell account in the server he only needs to ask.
Posted by Trollmineitor 7 years ago [Login to reply]
The IP address of the VPS is
Posted by Trollmineitor 7 years ago [Login to reply]
Hi Trolly, that's a very kind offer, much appreciated. However, I moved the SF server over to a VM on Digital Ocean just before Xmas (IIRC). Apart from the small outage they had a few weeks ago, it seems pretty reliable, so I'm going to just keep it on there. I'll bear you in mind if anything changes though. :)
Hello, Steve, that is good news, i thought you were still running the SF server in that Commodore 64 in your room, great to know you finally grew a beard and rented a VPS.
Posted by Trollmineitor 7 years ago [Login to reply]
By the way, you scared me, man, when i saw new mail from SF and no turns to take i thought RABID had already slaughtered Uncle Sterner in our ongoing "The Assassins - Beware the mad cook" game...
Posted by Trollmineitor 7 years ago [Login to reply]