Hi I just wondered if anyone has issues with lagging or screen freezing when using Android devices? I mostly get it trying to log in and using the menu. If I select Current games and look at a game, the scanner freezes for minutes. I have a good and fast internet services. Phone and tablet are the same. With the phone I switched off WiFi and tried 4G mobile data but still as bad. Gameplay sometimes getting freezing or 'please restart the client'. I might gave to opt out of the Campaign as it's getting ridiculous.
Also on an error page I got asked if I was the administrator of this resource. Something then came up about NGINX and load of technical data/info on load managing and buffering. And 'The page you are looking for is currently unavailable' This is the only app and site I have this trouble with. Something is going on and is not at my end.
I'm currently playing SF in Cyprus and got no problems. Peter, it sounds a bit strange. Nginx is a reverse proxy (which I don't use) so it sounds like your traffic is being redirected.