Why don't we have current military weapons??? Everyth8ng in the future is clearly inaccurate. The human race is retarded and only zenomrphs can hurt with each hit
Posted by robsraiders 5 years ago [Login to reply]
Surely this is off putting to potential new players who must abandon this game due to frustration
Posted by robsraiders 5 years ago [Login to reply]
Just luck, I presume it's down to random number generator
Pointless giving your best shot a sniper rifle or ms auto cannon then... if someone walks round a corner there should be 100% accuracy rate... longer shots should be accurate aswell. I f8nd auto and aim pretty much the same. You was a load of points on one aimmed shot and might aswell auto spray and pray.
Posted by robsraiders 5 years ago [Login to reply]
It is (obviously) random to a certain extent. One argument against being too accurate is that it encourages players to dig in and win purely on opportunity fire. I'm guessing you've had a run of bad luck, but IMHO the shooting seems pretty accurate most of the time.
The server is this website, so if this website is working, the server is. Can you access other web pages on your phone (I assume you're playing on your phone)? (Also, I'd start a new thread for something like this.)