Some maps are very unbalanced. I don?t understand why Steve is not working on this. It is often impossible to defeat an experienced player if he himself created the game and chose a more advantageous side for his team.
1. Angels of death - to win for Regniksa is very difficult. I would suggest reducing the number of angel, or make the angels a little smaller points of move
2. The stealth assasins. I can never win on the side of the killers. Maybe I just don?t know how. I would suggest adding another killer to the team and some extra money
Hold onto your butts, I've gone through those missions and others that seem unbalanced based on the statistics:-
Angels of death - Removed one angel, set all angel APs to 70 (from 80). The stealth assasins. Added another unit to side 1. Moonbase Clash - An extra unit for side 1 Moonbase Assault: Undercover Agent - Removed a unit from side 1 Prison Mutiny - Reduced side 1 creds from 400 to 350. Inc side 2 creds from 170 to 180. Battle for Sigma 7 - Reduced side 1 creds to 320 (was 350) Rebelstar - The Old Base - Removed an alien, reduced all aliens health to 40. Increased side 1 creds from 390 to 400. Terrors of the Deep - Side 2 back up to 220 creds Paradise Valley Human v Human - Reduced side 1 creds to 220 (was 260) Reanimator - Reduced zombies from 9 to 8 units Aliens v Humans Co-op - Reduced human creds from 120 to 100.
Maybe I boring you, but I think nerve gas and inc. granade are disbalanced. Nerve gas is not dangerous at all. Inc. granades are extremely lethal. Even you pass by the fire. Maybe nerve gas need halves your AP or do more damage, or be bigger cloud which lasts more turns. How fire can be removed. Maybe option "remove fire" 20ap...
Can you can remove fire from a person with an extinguisher. Seems very unrealistic to remove fire just by an option to lose 20 AP. We clearly disagree about incendiary, I think if anything it should do more damage. As for nerve gas, it is very cheap at just 7 credits so would be unbalanced if its damage was increased. If it did, the cost would correspondingly have to increase also.
What is your take on it Steve? Anyone else have a view either way?
You did a great job, Steve. Thanks you I did not expect my post to lead to such a change. The game will become more interesting for me. And, perhaps, players will boldly engage in battles created by others, without fear of a dirty trick. As for nerve gas, I propose to increase its operating time. And so that the points with gas moved with each turn, and the area of ??the cloud increased. Nevertheless, the task of the gas is not to kill, but to expel the enemy from cover. He is doing the job. It is easy to extinguish a fire if the fire extinguisher is not at the person who is burning, but at the neighbor. But I noticed that players do not buy a fire extinguisher. Maybe need advertising)
Move out the fire -4 once again -4,+ 2_3 turns change to extinguisher -8... Who ever bought fire extinguisher. I presume: spaceships, lighting speed, and uniforms that burns...
I think I have been able to do it before. Maybe Steve could try it out. The fact is though, it shouldn't be easy to do, as it would be very difficult in reality.
Steve, you said that you added one unit to side 1 to the Stealth Assasins mission. But there were 3, and it became 6 assasins) Did any of us make a mistake?
Nerve Gas works fine as it is. It lasts a decent time and deals significant damage when walking through it. It is cheap to buy so you can throw multiple nerve cannisters and blight an area. Incendiary grenade should be either upped in damage caused or the area of damage increased. The area is a bit puny. Flamethrower needs significant improvements. First the area of damage needs increasing and it should significantly set things on fire and be relatively cheap in AP's to use. A Stellar Forces man of experience, many hours spent wielding it's weapons. I would be deeply unhappy if nerve gas is screwed up unnecessarily.
@Rost I'd forgotten to go through the missions and check for balance based on the stats. It's something I try to do every so often, but I hadn't done it for several years, so there was a few to do. As regards the Stealth Assasins number of units, I discovered that I'd put some strange characters in the "units" file, meaning that the attackers only had 3 units when they should have been getting 5. No idea how long that bug has been in there! I thought I'd increase it to 6 anyway; we'll see if that goes too far in their favour.
The Game is excellent. And don't forget free. This are all family suggestions. This game will remove PUBG andFortinite from throne. Steve will be billioner and us 14 millioners (This time next year)
I'd love to do a Kickstarter and get all that lovely money, but I don't think I could maintain my interested constantly for a long enough period to justify it. I do add things to SF and fix it here and there when problems come up, but I am also easily distracted and often start developing other games, which backers might not be too happy about.
My own view on nerve gas is that it does the job. It's cheap and it covers a wide area, but doesn't do too much damage. If it were too powerful, they would effectively be "normal" grenades but with a wider area.
Regarding incediary grenades, part of me wonders if they are too powerful, since once a unit has caught fire they are effectively dead. If an opponent throws one into a crowd of your men, it's game over. And they seem to burn for ages! The argument about fire extenguishers is similar to arguments about gas masks for nerve gas: IIRC we decided it shouldn't really be an option since it either adds too much "luck" to the game, (i.e. if you were lucky enough to pack gas masks for the mission) or means that players should always pack gas masks "just in case".
I don't about the incendiary grenades because all this running around on fire is a bit silly. I won battle royale with my last man on fire. I managed to shoot 3 units with my unit moving about and I possessed no armour. My grandfather was fireman in London during the blitz and had to deal with the effects of incendiaries. There was no running about. The same with the use of flamethrowers during the Second World War and in Vietnam. Truly a devastating weapon. I'm not to bothered by precise realism in this game but the points I made are reasonable within the context of an abstract strategy game. A modest increase in damage or damage area is seriously worth considering.
I agree with Pete on incendiary. It seems like men have just their coat on fire, they can still run about and kill. I would like the damage increased although the cost would have to increase in proportion. But I'm okay with it staying the same although I would favour the above.
As I said below, and Pete and Rost concur, nerve gas is fine as it is in my opinion. Although it is more like tear gas than a nerve agent. But perhaps I'm being pedantic.:)
As for the flamethrower, always thought it a ridiculously poor weapon. The guy who uses it usually dies after because it has just singed his opponent's hair. Waft of keratin. Eww! Okay I'm being facetious. But it should kill immediately or at least badly wound.