If my first shot misses (99% probability) the green line of sight moves slightly to either the left or right and every follow up shot flys past the opponents shoulder??? Couldn't there be a lock on system
Posted by robsraiders 4 years ago [Login to reply]
Once the first bullet has finished being tracked, the targetter should return to exactly the same position. Does anyone else have this problem?
I'm done with this game. Its beyond a joke now. Couldn't hit a barn door. Spec 48 higher hit probability.
Posted by robsraiders 4 years ago [Login to reply]
I think we can all get frustrated with shots missing their target especially like now where I missed three in a row,two aimed as well. But then again usually they hit, it just comes down to probability and a 85% shot will therefore miss 15% of the time.
What niggles isn't so much that they miss, but more that they miss by so much, so often. Some shots go off at absurd angles.
all my troops are pissed... they can only shoot 90 angles.... the walls to the left and right of them are riddled
Posted by robsraiders 3 years ago [Login to reply]
If you are firing an auto shot then realistically you are spraying the bullets so can understand them going off at wide angles. Of course a true auto shot (burst fire) would be better but understand how it is programmed to somewhat represent that by being able to fire multiple shots.
A snap shot can be off but I feel not as much as in the game. You are firing from the hip but then it should at least be heading near to your aim. Not at 45 degree angles quite often.
Aim shots should always been close to the target and they usually are, but sometimes they go wild which they shouldn't if they are aimed.
I love this game and Steve has done a great job and continues to do so, and deserves utmost respect for it. Constructive criticism and not (pardon the pun) angry snipes all the time from some.
Its just frustrating losing games after firing dozens of shots and hitting walls. The accuracy on this game needs completely overhauling. Currently playing "crash site".... if any of my squad could shoot straight the ambassador would be dead several times over.... most games just become random luck and I feel it takes the skill out of the game. Dont get me wrong I've played games where I felt sorry for the other player who's turn it was to fire dozens of rounds point blank and miss. Just seems so random.
Posted by robsraiders 3 years ago [Login to reply]
I always use Aimed Shot, unless my unit hasn't got enough APs, in which case I use the next best, but only as a last resort. Or if the enemy unit is close enough, I walk up to them and use an autoshot.
First time I've ever played someone who's used it (cyber hoardes) very effective at eating through armour LOL
Posted by robsraiders 3 years ago [Login to reply]
Game just finished...outhouses.... no opertunity fire by enemy even when I walked infront? but then I move sterner and they shoot him? . Steve Smith can you take a look ....bit weird
Posted by robsraiders 3 years ago [Login to reply]
Looks like they held their shots until they had the opportunity to shoot Sterner. :p
Just to let you know, the "nerve gas" fix is in progress.
I was also thinking of changing it so that any other androids, like Android Barker (who appears a lot) and the Angels should also be immune to nerve gas. What does anyone think?
Posted by robsraiders 3 years ago [Login to reply]
Any sort of alien colony vs humans is pretty much unwinable unless humans are have a bad accuracy day... can anything be done to improve egg laying
Posted by robsraiders 3 years ago [Login to reply]
What do you mean exactly? Reduce the number of APs it costs to lay an egg? I'm just going through the missions and tweaking any that look unbalanced, so I'll probably add an extra alien here and there.
Yep. Or more aliens to start... just one or two extra would make it more interesting and nerve racking for humans! ... ps all my troops are immune to gas now ... cheers Steve! ;)
Posted by robsraiders 3 years ago [Login to reply]
They're doing it again... ms auto cannon and a good shot couldn't get it through one square... you'd have to be retarded and on drugs not to make the shot. They are dead now because they clipped the door frame. Game lost .... beyond frustrating
Posted by robsraiders 3 years ago [Login to reply]