Steve, I just played this mission for the first time and think it could really improve with the map being edited slightly. I saw a discussion a little while back about making the walls non-destructible, but the door which is directly in front of the computer(s) is still destructible. I haven't tried it but I imagine (depending on deployment) it would probably be possible for player 1 to rocket the door and sniper shot the computer before player 2 even gets a chance to move. I really think that putting a wall between the door and the computer would make the mission a lot more challenging and evenly balanced.
You're exactly right, and I'll change it. I'm just amazed that the mission has been around for months and this new tactic has only just been discovered!
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
Done. I've added some walls in front of the computers.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]