It must be Christmas - Stellar Forces ha two new missions! "Underground Meltdown" and "Underground Capture the Flag", suggested by Petermock and Cpt Fishmonger respectively.
Both are based on the Colonization-style missions, but the Meltdown mission has the exploding computers as seen in the original Meltdown missions, and the CTF is obviously the first player to get the flag to the opposite side of the map.
Thanks. :) In the Meltdown mission, the computers don't affect victory points (although I may change this). Their only function is to explode when shot, thus creating more chaos. I thought that might be enough to make the mission new and interesting.
Thanks Steve, good Xmas presents. Steve I'm with you on keeping the CPU's as exploding components only. But if in practice we need to affect the VP score, I'm not against that. We might have to have the VP idea implemented if people start blowing their own CPU's up for some kind of advantage. Hard to predict how the games will play. Testing only way. FLAG idea I'm equally excited about trying out.
Could someone explain the missions here. They seem on the surface straight forward but if someone could clarify them please.
The term: "And avoid exploding computers" is somewhat ambiguous. I think I know what was meant by this but just need clarification before I equip/deploy.
I'll write more detailed instructions once the missions are "bedded down", but it's as follows:
Underground Meltdown - This is pretty much a standard Underground Colonization but with the exploding computers from Meltdown. These don't affect VPs, but will explode a random number of turns after being destroyed.
Underground CTF: This again is pretty much a standard Underground Colonization, but the winner is the player who gets the flag to the opposite side of the map.
Let me know if there's any other details need clarifying.
It's odd, as I'm a master at infiltration tactics in the underground games. Blowing my own trumpet but I think that is well established. ;)
Yet in egg hunt, I for some reason don't, and I'm usually on the receiving end. Seem to rush in and take them, and then some sneaky git comes and steals them. Be interesting, for me at least, if I can in do it in an underground mission.
I reckon you could get 2 missions at least put of Xeno's egg collector idea. First Xeno's central egg location concentration. Eggcellant idea. Another arrangement could be eggs dotted about the map but in single or very small amounts forcing players to make directional choices and having to collect more than 3.
How about Underground Moonbase Meltdown Assassin Assault, where you have to destroy the computers in the moonbase, assassinate the other player and then collect their eggs? :):)
Seriously though, I like the sound of the "eggs spread around the map" mission, but I'll have a look at creating both of those.
Actually, although I had my tongue in my cheek with my first comment above, having a mission which combines a lot of factors (like eggs next to exploding computers as suggested by Pete) sounds pretty fun.
Interesting idea Pete. Maybe an option to select it when creating a game from the start for colony based missions. Not sure how much work it would take but an intriguing suggestion.