Once a Death grenade is primed, is it possible to switch to another weapon and still have it work? Is there a way besides getting killed to trigger a Death grenade? Thanks!
A death grenade still works while a unit is carrying it, not neccessarily using it. They can also be passed from unit to unit, even when activated. The only way they are triggered is by the carrying unit dying.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
Not much, having a 6 month old baby in the house! :) Whenever I walk past my computer I just have a check for any new forum posts though.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
My unit had a death grenade primed which worked fine when he died, he was also carrying some nerve gas, which I expected/hoped would be set off by the death grenade, but it didn't go off. What kind of force is required to set off a nerve gas grenade, beyond priming it!
You have 50% chance to get an explosive detonated when it is inside a detonation circle. Usually it detonates, but there is a chance that it does not detonate.
Happy birthday to hm. I hope He is doing fine. After 3 years of no speeping Usually 2 you years Are enough to recover. Enjoy these good years. He will start school soon.