Myself and Monkey are the only players to have drawn league games and our games totals don't add up. I think there must be a bug within the League Table which seems to add 1 draw AND 1 loss when a game is drawn.
I think the points add up correctly (tell me if I'm wrong) but the game of Lab Attack that was a "draw" wasn't set as a practise. Changed now. :)
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
You are correct about the Lab Attack draw, but real issue was with the total games Played count.
Mine is Played 23, Won 16, Drew 1, Lost 7. 16+1+7 = 24.
Monkey is Played 2, Won 0, Drew 1, Lost 2. 0+1+2 = 3.
There is an extra game which has been added as a loss which neither of us have played. I'm certain it comes from the draw as we are the only 2 player to have drawn and have incorrect totals.
Sorry, I misunderstood you. And you're exactly right. The problem was with my SQL where I was checking for loses. For loses, I was counting all games where the winners id <> the particular player's id, but for draws the winner is -1, so they were being counted as losses (since the player's id <> -1). Sorted, and well spotted!
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]