Bring on the dancing girls. I mentioned this site in HUKDs. Done the same for them.:) You should get some traffic passing through. It's if they decide to stop.
Thanks, fingers crossed. SF isn't doing too badly at the moment (there's about 10 games currently being played which is about par for the course) but more players are always welcome. I know it's not the best looking game in the world, but it does surprise me that there's not more players given how popular Laser Squad was back in the day.
Thanks Peter. Just looking around really, play an odd game if I see one.
@Steve Yes, it surprises me that this game isn't as popular as it should be really. Laser Squad was an iconic game. You couldn't have done more than what you have done though. I suppose it comes down to competition from so many other mobile games out there.
No traffic. I am at a wonder. I left a big plug there. I will again. I suppose this is very niche today, but there are enough of us over 40, or myself over 50... Christ I am... *goes into a trance* ;back there. As I said before so much out there now.
I looked at your games on, wow a lot of Spectrum emulation games. Fair play, you've been busy. Picked up a free game and your games came up. Obviously being tracked.