I was wondering a couple of things on this subject. Firstly, when exactly do the promotions and stat increases happen? Can units get promoted actually during a mission? or are rank points 'applied' at the end of missions and any due promotions wait unit then? The same question for stat increases, do they happen during missions? or do they wait and happen with promotions? (if that's the case that they happen at the end of missions?)
If it's possible to make it so, I would reccomend that both promotions and stat increases wait until each mission is completed before being 'applied'.
Also, I notice quite a few units got promoted before the stat increase system was applied. Is it possible to manually apply any stat increases which were missed during this time? It should be easy to spot these units since all of their stats were cloned. Thanks
The rank promotion happens as soon as the unit gets the points (whether killing an enemy or completing a mission) and the rank will change straight away on a players campaign squad page. However, in the mission pages, the unit's rank will stay the same until the end. Stats increases are applied at the start of a new mission.
All old units (if there are any still alive now) should have the stats increase, assuming they've started a new mission since I added that feature. Let me know if you've seen any that haven't, but I'm confident in that.
Posted by SteveSmith 13 years ago [Login to reply]