Subscribe to this thread if you wish to be informed of new client releases, as I'll post a message here.
The latest client (0.53) was released on the 28th January.
Posted by SteveSmith 15 years ago [Login to reply]
New client 0.54 was released on the 3rd Feb. Features include:-
* Armour protection is now reduced if the attack is from the sides or rear. * During close-combat, a defender's combat skill is now reduced if the attack is from the sides or rear. * Bullets are now shown when a shot goes off the edge of the map. * There are now small explosions wherever a bullet hits.
Posted by SteveSmith 15 years ago [Login to reply]
New client 0.55 was released on the 9th Feb. Features include:-
* Now shows a unit's protection in the HUD. * Simplified weapon accuracy. * New piece of equipment: Portable Teleporter
Posted by SteveSmith 15 years ago [Login to reply]
New client 0.56 was released on the 23rd Feb. Features include:-
* Implemented the original Laser Squad shooting algorythm (with a few minor tweaks). * Added Rocket Launchers. * Added sound effects.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
New client 0.57 was released on the 25th Feb. This included a new piece of equipment by the name of the "Death Grenade"!
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
New client 1.01 was released on the 2nd March. Features include:-
* A unit's health is shown on the stats bar. * A shot's accuracy is always adjusted by a random fractional amount. * Added 2 more sound effects. * Reduced the potential throwing innaccuracy. * Reduced the maximum shooting innaccuracy.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
New client 1.02 was released on the 5th March. Features include:-
* Now logs if a unit was shot but not harmed. * Uses the AP cost of the weapon when reloading. * Added a better front-end to logging in. * Improve explosion algorythm
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
New client v1.03 was released on the 10th March. Features include:-
* A unit's strength is now taken into account when throwing. * Improved login windows. * New equipment: Adrenalin shot.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
A couple of (probably basic) questions: 1.) How do I subscribe to the topic? 2.) When I upgrade to the latest version of a client, do I just copy everything and dump it into the Stellar Forces folder and overwrite the files? I tried that a couple of days ago and it didn't work, so I went back to a previous version.
1. You have to go to 'Community' menu option, then click 'Forums' and then click on 'Feature Request' forum, there you have the the option of subscribe/unsubscribe to all existing topics. 2. I usually delete older files except 'properties.cfg', 'login.txt' and 'autologin.txt' and then copy new files. Not sure about the names but it is something like that. That should work.
New client v1.04 was released on the 16th March. This update includes a new feature of being able to open doors without walking into them.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
New client v1.05 was released on the 16th March. Features include:-
* Improved the walls. * New damage bonus for short-range shots. * Shot damage reduction for long-range shots. * Fixed grenade bug.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
Client 1.07 was been released on the 29th March. See the main page for details.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
Client 1.08 was been released on the 6th April. See the main page for details.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
Client 1.09 was been released on the 12th April. See the main page for details.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
Client 1.13 has just been released (14th April). This fixes some grenade-throwing bugs. Also, if anyone has downloaded 1.12, please *definitely* upgrade.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
New client 1.15 has just been released (27th April). The main new feature of this is it now has the option of showing Spanish text, which should give any Spanish speakers a good laugh since I used Google to translate it.
I chose Spanish as a thank-you to Victor who's been an excellent player of this game and stayed at the top of the league pretty much forever! Please place your requests here for whatever other languages you would like adding. :)
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
If you need the translation from English to Portuguese i can do it. Tell me where to find the initial language and i will make the apropriate translation.
Thanks for the offer. If you download the latest version of the client, there is an OpenOffice spreadsheet file called ./data/strings.ods. This has all the English words in the first column. Thanks!
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
I'll sent you the appropriate file, i think theres no problem by the length of the strings, but i'll try to make them shorter. By the way, i'm preparing an map with units also.
Thank you very much for such an honor. First of all I would like to thank Steve for creating this great game and all of you players, this would not have been possible without your kicked arses,although I would not last on top. :) I'll take a look to that google translation if you don't mind Steve
Hi victor, in that special case i tried to do an aproximate translation. Like in spanish "sacado" or "tiro sacado"(?!?!) we in portuguese have the work "saque" that means making a quick shot almost without pointing. So in this case i have replace by: "Tiro Rpido". "Tiro" stands for fire/shot and "Rpido" for quick. By they i have maintained Auto-Shot as "Tiro Automtico". Cheers victor.
I think I've translate it as: Auto Shot = Disparo Automatico Snap shot = Disparo Semi-apuntado Aim Shot = Disparo Apuntado
Don't know what you mean with 'tiro sacado', I don't think we have that expression with that meaning in spanish, but as you said in this case an aproximation is the better choice.
"sacado" in Portuguese stands for the movement of grabbing the weapon from its holster and fire almost without pointing. "sacar" is the verb in portuguese language. Sorry victor for trying to use similar words but i've noticed that you don't have like that in spanish words. :)
Gracias Hasta ahora Obrigado e at logo. Thanks and see you soon.
New client 1.16 has just been released (30th April). Thanks to PCasaca, this has a Portugese translation.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
New client v1.18 was released on the 13th May. See the main page for details (when I update it tonight!).
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
New client v1.19 was released on the 17th May. This version is required to play the new mission Meltdown.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
New client v1.20 was released on the 26th May. See the main page for details.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
Sorry, I've been forgetting to mention new client releases. New client v1.24 was released on the 23rd June. See the main page for details.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
New client v1.27 was released on the 14th July. This version is required to play the new mission 3-Player Moonbase Assault!
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
New client v1.28 was released on the 30th July. See the main page for details.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
New client v1.30 was released on the 1st September. The main new features are a Help, and it should also work on Windows 64-bit.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
New client v1.31 was released on the 14th September. There are no specific new features, but this version is highly recommended for playing campaign missions.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
Just found this thread again. A new version of the client has been released. This improves the inacurracy of shots, so when they miss they won't shoot at 45 degress off target. And also shooting around corners is a lot better, in that units can do it.
There's been another client release a few weeks ago, but it was just to update the version of the Android SDK, so no new features specific to the client. You can't improve on perfection. :)
I've just released a new version of the client. No major changes, but I've changed the way it communicates with the server in the hope that it fixes the problems that some people have been having with logging in.
That's another change I forgot to mention. Glad you noticed! For some reason, later versions of Android caused the game to run slower, so I changed the way it draws things. The scanner should be faster too, especially on Colony missions.
Since the recent update, I'm getting a lag on movement, makes it hard to play. I press to move and it sticks, responding five or more seconds later. And when a unit fires or throws an item, it now happens in slow motion, like bullet time in the matrix!
I'm now getting slow movement too. I move a man and he jumps like a flea catching up with his orders. It is spoiling the game when you got a lot of troops to deal with.
The earliest Android version I have is 5, and it runs great on that (unfortunately). I've made a few tweaks and released a new version though. Let me know how that goes.
Welcome back EvilDick! :-). The game is still sticking for me, I can live with the slow animations but the sticky troop movement does mean I make mistakes, which is frustrating!!
I updated the game a few days ago (and also a few days before that), but Google seems to have it sown way of deciding when to update each phone. The latest version is 1.134. At least things are getting better!
I've just submitted a new version of Stellar Forces to Google, which (assuming it passes) will be released sometime in the next week. There's no game changes, it's just Google insisting that all apps target the latest Android libraries. Let me know if anyone has any issues.
Posted by SteveSmith 220 days ago [Login to reply]