How do people think about this potential feature: if a unit ends up with health between 1 and 5, they are knocked unconcious and can't do anything, but they regain one point every turn until it's back to 5 at which point they can be controlled again. ?
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
That could be interesting. Does that mean when they get up to 5 health, they stop recovering?
It might make medkits more useful. I'm still not sure how useful they really are.
That right. I'd maybe also have to implement a "kill" option that could be selected when standing over an unconscious unit, so they can be "finished off".
You're right about medi-kits. I'm going to reduce their cost to 8 to see if it makes them worthwhile.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
I do agree that the price of medi-kits should be reduced because at the moment no one seems to use them.
About the unconsciousness though, I'm not too sure. How will it work? Will we still be able to target an unconscious unit from range, but he will look like a dead body laying on the ground?
Maybe a way of making medi-kits more useful would be to have unconscious units health slowly decline 1 health point per turn instead of regaining. That way unconscious units will slowly die unless friendly forces reach them with medical aid. What do you think?
Targetting an unconcious unit is the main problem. If they can be targetted normally, then they can block the view to other units behind them, which doesn't seem right. And should an opponent know they are unconcious at a distance? Maybe it's all extra complication that doesn't add anything to the game.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
Good point about the targeting. I think it does just sound like extra complication without bringing any real benefits.