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Just a couple of minor thingies

There is another in fact, I thought about this one before and I'm in a situation where I want to use an incendiary grenade to block a doorway. But if the enemy unit comes through on fire I find opp fire doesn't seem to work, so the unit on fire can just walk up and kill my unit without them firing in return. It somehow makes them immune fron opp fire. Now maybe my units are sadists and don't want to put them out of their misery, but even so if someone is on fire coming at you with a knife you are going to shoot them rather die.

Posted by xeno 18 hours ago to Bugs & Problems | Go to comment

Just a couple of minor thingies

Why is the sniper rifle when generated in colony missions only loaded with 7 rather 8. There was another but on second thoughts it probably makes sense.:)

Posted by xeno 1 days ago to Bugs & Problems | Go to comment

Game 54362: Le Chat de Henri, Chris1977 in 'Superhuman: Moonbase Assault'

I played as the attacker vs Rabid recently, he completely destroyed me.. I find in the Moonbase missions that it is hard to destroy the computers. It's probably a better strategy to just try and kill all the defenders instead

Posted by Le Chat de Henri 1 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54362: Le Chat de Henri, Chris1977 in 'Superhuman: Moonbase Assault'

Well played. I was playing just for pride by the end there - my original plan had been to ignore the computers completely and just go for kills, but when that didn't work out I didn't have many options besides making a belated assault on the IT after all...

Posted by Chris1977 1 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54367: Chris1977, Le Chat de Henri in 'Sterner's Revenge'

We can just see how it goes I guess. Hard to tell after a few practise games, time will tell!

I wonder if the description for the emission matches the gameplay / victory conditions etc

Posted by Le Chat de Henri 5 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54367: Chris1977, Le Chat de Henri in 'Sterner's Revenge'

Justice for the Army at last! Are we declaring this a fairer match-up on the basis of this outcome...?

Posted by Chris1977 5 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54356: Chris1977, Le Chat de Henri in 'Sterner's Revenge'

Apologies for the delay. Bearing in mind what you said about having other Army tactics you wanted to try out, I've chosen Sterner again.

Posted by Chris1977 6 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54349: Le Chat de Henri, RABID in 'Superhuman: Moonbase Assault'

Oof, well that didn't go well. Too much brunching early on. I spent a couple of rounds trying to patch up the remaining superhuman. Good tactic you used by using loads of nerve gas early on

Posted by Le Chat de Henri 6 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54356: Chris1977, Le Chat de Henri in 'Sterner's Revenge'

Will probably set up tomorrow now - out gigging this afternoon/evening.

Posted by Chris1977 9 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54356: Chris1977, Le Chat de Henri in 'Sterner's Revenge'

Could so another of it, I'd play either side.

Posted by Le Chat de Henri 9 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54356: Chris1977, Le Chat de Henri in 'Sterner's Revenge'

I'd still have a couple of other strategies to try out as the army, for Sterner's gang the options are more limited and straightforward I'd say.

Posted by Le Chat de Henri 9 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54356: Chris1977, Le Chat de Henri in 'Sterner's Revenge'

Yes, it was all over so quickly that I'm not sure we can glean anything about the new scoring system! Did it FEEL as though it was going more your way until that final tipping-point? Happy to swap sides and continue this experiment, but I must confess I'm starting to run out of strategic ideas for EITHER side...

Posted by Chris1977 9 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54355: Le Chat de Henri, Gooey Blob in 'Outhouses'

There's quite a big random factor in this mission I'd say, just based on where everyone deploys. I was lucky Sterner was near me.

Posted by Le Chat de Henri 9 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54355: Le Chat de Henri, Gooey Blob in 'Outhouses'

That could have gone better! Congratulations.

Posted by Gooey Blob 9 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54356: Chris1977, Le Chat de Henri in 'Sterner's Revenge'

Good shooting Sterner! I couldn't even get a shot off

Posted by Le Chat de Henri 9 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

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