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Game 54229: free palestine., Rost310, Gooey Blob, RABID in 'Denunciation 2v2'

I have been playing it recently on a small Chromebook, where SF opens in a tiny window, it's probably just my fault and I didn't notice. Rookie error, apologies Rost!

Posted by RABID 1 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54162: Chris1977, free palestine. in 'Rescue from the Mines'

Swap sides? I have one set up already that you're welcome to join...

Posted by Chris1977 1 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54229: free palestine., Rost310, Gooey Blob, RABID in 'Denunciation 2v2'

In the game all 4 ambassadors should all be be white, same as clones sprites.

Posted by SteveSmith 1 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Small Mission Rebalancing

I've just made the change. The Game Stats are available here, under the Stellarpedia menu option:

Posted by SteveSmith 1 days ago to Missions | Go to comment

Small Mission Rebalancing

I can't say I saw anything particularly unbalanced about Hideout myself. I take it A Tale of Two Moonbases is because side one goes first, can't recall noticing any more wins playing that side than the other. But then you have the stats available. Never played the other two enough to form a view either way.

Posted by xeno 1 days ago to Missions | Go to comment

Game 54165: Chris1977, Gooey Blob in 'Paradise Valley'

Thanks Steve. :-)

Posted by Chris1977 3 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Small Mission Rebalancing

It's that time of the decade when I look at the winning/losing stats of the missions and tweak the ones that seem a bit unbalanced. I'm going to make the following changes. Let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions:-

Hideout: Side 1 creds from 280 to 300, side 2 creds from 180 to 160
A Tale of Two Moonbases: Side 1 creds from 320 to 300
Rebelstar: Alien Hordes: Side 2 creds from 290 to 320
Paradise Valley: Side 2 creds from 260 to 290

Posted by SteveSmith 3 days ago to Missions | Go to comment

Game 54165: Chris1977, Gooey Blob in 'Paradise Valley'

I'm going to tweak some of the creds given to various sides in some of the missions to balance them. I'll do a separate forum post about it.

Posted by SteveSmith 3 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54165: Chris1977, Gooey Blob in 'Paradise Valley'

Totally agree but my weapon choice was a disaster (2 x flamethrowers) which I thought were area denial weapons but ate not lol. Congratulations.

Posted by Gooey Blob 3 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54165: Chris1977, Gooey Blob in 'Paradise Valley'

Well, you did better than I did, but one thing our shared experience makes clear is that it's bloody hard to win Paradise Valley as the humans! Fancy Rescue or Stardrive next?

Posted by Chris1977 3 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54229: free palestine., Rost310, Gooey Blob, RABID in 'Denunciation 2v2'

! Just watched the playback. For some reason I can?t fathom, I had no idea that unit was an ambassador. I thought those guys were always in white? This was just a soldier. Maybe in the 2v2 games only one ambassador shows as white?!

Posted by RABID 3 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54258: +BEAR+, xeno, petermock, Chris1977 in 'Kill Frenzy 4-Player'

Apologies to petermock too, if the game log is anything to go by...

Posted by Chris1977 3 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54258: +BEAR+, xeno, petermock, Chris1977 in 'Kill Frenzy 4-Player'

Thanks, Steve...and sorry, xeno!

Posted by Chris1977 3 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54258: +BEAR+, xeno, petermock, Chris1977 in 'Kill Frenzy 4-Player'

It looks like it's doubled up your equipment, which sometimes happens when I revert the game back to equip. The easiest thing is to select the game on the website, go to Equip Units, and on the armour page, select Don't Buy Armour. You can then easily remove the unwantd equipment.

Posted by SteveSmith 3 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

Game 54229: free palestine., Rost310, Gooey Blob, RABID in 'Denunciation 2v2'

wtf Rabid

Posted by Rost310 4 days ago to Your Games | Go to comment

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