I've create a new set of forums to replace these, which I will slowly phase out (apart from the mission-specific forums). Feel free to log in with your Stellar Forces name (not email address) and password, and let me know what you think!
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
It looks nice but I couldn't log in. My username and password didn't work. I even tried the 'I forgot my password option', entered my username and email address and it said "The e-mail/username information submitted could not be found."
I just tried logging in as you and it worked for me. Are you logging in with deadlime/[password]? (The "forgot password" option probably doesn't work as there's only a simple link between the SF database and the forums database).
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
yeah, username deadlime and my same password which I log into here with.???
I get :
"You have specified an incorrect password. Please check your password and try again. If you continue to have problems please contact the Board Administrator."
I think 've discovered the problem - Victor, are you using Firefox or Chrome, and Deadlime, are you using IE? For some reason, it doesn't work with IE.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
I've discovered that clearing your cookies in the browser seems to fix the problem, but only temporarily. I think the cookies used on www.stellarforces.com and forums.stellarforces.com are confusing the browsers.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
I've tried that and it doesn't seem to work for me, not even temporarily. :(
Thanks for letting me know. I now consider the new forums live, and will be posting all future news there (including details of the new map editor :) ): http://forums.stellarforces.com/index.php
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]