Steve? How many rounds did I just fire and hit nothing??? 12-15 from three of my squad....all missed... rage anger and a new phone screen needed ....NO ONE IN THE UNIVERSE IS THAT BAD A SHOT LOL
Posted by robsraiders 5 years ago [Login to reply]
What can I say? Nothing has changed in the alogrithm for years. Random is random, which means that eventually every kind of situation will happen, including 15 missed shots! :)
Posted by robsraiders 5 years ago [Login to reply]
There should be a no luck mode as an alternative option, and AP variance can be done with, less AP = Less damage, this can be justified by saying they're filling lighter, less complex cartridges opposed to heavier, more powerful ones.
And the grenade spread also be removed, damage distance diminishing maintained, same stats for all units like in campaign (another separate option) But, that's not equally important as a no luck shoot mode, the luck spread is the reason why I am tending towards grenades and melee with armour.
This would be quite a big change, since luck/randomness does play a big part in this game, from unit stats to shot accuracy to damage calculations. Part of the skill in this game is to choose the best option (e.g. snapshot or aimed shot) based on the circumstances to ensure the best outcome.
There are no sharp shooters in this game LOL.... Currently committing suicide by playing alien missions. Impossible for aliens to win unless your a complete idiot. I suspect half the games on here dont get played because your just going to steal points or give them away . It's a shame as it's a really good game. No1 on the league is easily achievable.
Posted by robsraiders 5 years ago [Login to reply]
Aliens need more APs or not much point in using them. Currently you can run away. Turn around and it's a turkey shoot. Or clone a load of clones and stay static. Aliens are pretty useless to be honest.
Posted by robsraiders 5 years ago [Login to reply]
Aliens need more APs or not much point in using them. Currently you can run away. Turn around and it's a turkey shoot. Or clone a load of clones and stay static. Aliens are pretty useless to be honest.
Posted by robsraiders 5 years ago [Login to reply]
I just aimmed at someone and hit them! Way hay!! Its party time!!!!! :)
Posted by robsraiders 5 years ago [Login to reply]
Are you generally using aimed, snap or auto-shots?
Auto snap and aim... auto up close. Snap if its longer and I dont have enough for aim. Aim if it's long range. The shootings do bad I'm often to scared to waste APs on aim. So just spray and prey. I bitch alot because I shoot in real life every weekend and the laser squad couldn't hit a barn door it they tried. It's so frustrating.
Posted by robsraiders 5 years ago [Login to reply]
Auto snap and aim... auto up close. Snap if its longer and I dont have enough for aim. Aim if it's long range. The shootings do bad I'm often to scared to waste APs on aim. So just spray and prey. I bitch alot because I shoot in real life every weekend and the laser squad couldn't hit a barn door it they tried. It's so frustrating.
Posted by robsraiders 5 years ago [Login to reply]
My own choice is to always use aimed shot, unless I'm desperate, far away and low on APs. I rarely use snapshots. Otherwise I walk up to enemies and autoshoot in the head.
Aim is good with sniper and whatever the Laser rifle gun is called. Combined with the units shot skill makes the shot more or less accurate. Shot skill below 37 dicey risk. 38 & 39 fair. 40 to 42 pretty darn good. Anything 43 and over usually a dead cert with the above weapons using aim. Auto best point blank. Snap shots are in the do you feel lucky zone and only use if desparate or planning multiple shots with enough AP's to dive for cover or got a buddy/buddies for back up. Nothing wrong with the current set up.
I'm starting to sound American. What happens when you hang out with texans on boom beach, they're all military, army mostly. Got to know a cop from New York, promised me a patrol drive if I ever visit the states.
Just find it frustrating.... almost too scared to get into a fire fight as shooting first means nothing. Current game I'm running out of ammo with sniper rifles and have hit nothing .... gonna give this game a miss for a bit and safe shooting my phone in real life LOL
Posted by robsraiders 5 years ago [Login to reply]
What guns do you use? Don't forget, some guns are more accurate than others. Maybe you need to use Sniper Rifles?
Snap shots from range is a real gamble even from close range often, usually less than 50% chance. I don't like trusting opp fire myself, but quite often you have to put it in the lap of the Gods. But if you are firing first, you should almost always fire an aimed shot. 85% with sniper rifles.
@steve. Could you please look at my current game. Battle royal. Four squares in front of me is rost1 I took four shots at him and missed. Please explain how this is possible? I cant understand the percentage of accuracy as it's totally fubar. Guarantee he shoots and kills me first shot now. Really frustrating. Couldn't we scrap the current soldier selection and get some who arent mentally deficient and can shoot straight?
Posted by robsraiders 5 years ago [Login to reply]
Surprise surprise I'm dead LOL
Posted by robsraiders 5 years ago [Login to reply]
Noticed this for other players... a million shots and they miss . I return fire and they're dead
Posted by robsraiders 5 years ago [Login to reply]
Posted by robsraiders 5 years ago [Login to reply]
@steve. Never knew morale doesnt affect accuracy . Interesting
Posted by robsraiders 5 years ago [Login to reply]
So 4 squares 4 shots and no chance of hitting anything. But extremely accurate in missing in exactly the same spot. You have to walk upto enemies and shoot them in the face point blank.
Posted by robsraiders 5 years ago [Login to reply]
Aimed shot, sniper rifle/Las rifle and shot skill 40+ high accuracy. Should hit targets most times. Does your unit Rob have anything near this combination?
Las rifles are lovely guns for accurate hits but I opt for blasters as they destroy body armour and make holes in walls. A mixed group of sniper rifles and AP100 units gives multiple accurately ained shots with guaranteed back up destruction with grenades.
Have thought before a flashbang grenade would be a nice addition, doing the same as panic, causing a unit to drop their weapon and lose half their APs for a turn.
Some good ideas there. However, I'm against adding features which can only be counteracted by luck, like landmines, or items which can only be counteracted by the "luck" of happening to be carrying a gas mask/landmine detector.